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League Podcast The Vampire Council Episode #29 - A What We Do In The Shadows Podcast S5 E07 - Hybrid Creatures

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Vampire Council Episode #29 - A What We Do In The Shadows Podcast S5 E07 - Hybrid Creatures LeaguePodcast

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League Podcast The Vampire Council Episode #29  - A What We Do In The Shadows Podcast S5 E07 - Hybrid Creatures

Dursin and Clay are back with a new podcast: The Vampire Council, What We Do in the Shadows FX podcast!

Hybrid Creatures

Nadja gives back to her community; Laszlo's experiments have some unexpected results. Unexpected sound effects make for a crazy episode. Do you have that cool teacher vibe? Come nightswimming with Vampire Council. Don’t forget the powdered munchkins! “Burgers and Fries”!

Be a part of the show and send in your best “Bat!” to bat@vampcouncil.com 🦇








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Don’t forget your Vampire Council Fang Mask!

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